Low Carb Fresh from the Garden Swiss Chard & Turnip Pie

In recent years Swiss Chard has become a favourite of mine. Swiss Chard makes the perfect addition to a keto diet because it is packed with vitamins A, E, & K + it is high in magnesium, potassium, iron, & fibre. I have been growing Rainbow Chard in my garden for a couple of years now and this year it came early and in full force which gave me the perfect excuse to adapt my favourite 'Potato Chard Pie' into this healthy low carb turnip version.

This recipe is super easy and is sure to impress. You can easily make a large batch for a delicious filling meal or make a smaller portion for a side dish to accompany any main dish. You can also change and adjust this recipe if you find yourself making it a lot so you don't get sick of it (sometimes I like to add layers of onion or spinach). This dish is layered so it does take a little extra prep time but it is so worth it.

Low Carb Swiss Chard & Turnip Pie

  • 500g Thinly Sliced Peeled Turnip (Purple/White) 
  • 250g Swiss Chard (Rainbow or Regular) 
  • 150 g Italian Blend Shredded Cheese (or other cheese of choice) divided into 3 equal parts 
  • 5 Slices of Swiss Cheese 
  • 50g Shredded Parmesan Cheese (for topping)
  1. Set oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Prepare all vegetables. Turnip needs to be sliced evenly and as thin as possible. Chop chard leaves and stems together. 
  3. Oil/grease baking dish (size of dish will depend on serving) for this recipe I made it in a glass pie plate 
  4. Layer turnip, salt & pepper, swiss chard, turnip, shredded cheese (1 part/50g), turnip, salt & pepper, swiss chard, turnip, swiss cheese, turnip, salt & pepper, swiss chard, turnip, shredded cheese (1 part), turnip, & top with remaining cheese & parmesan (I know this step can seem overwhelming but you're just doing alternate layers and ensuring you end every layer with more turnip to start the next. 
  5. Cover with foil and bake for 25 minutes 
  6. Remove from oven, uncover, and bake for another 45 minutes 
  7. Serve & enjoy! I love serving this with a fresh vegetable like tomato or cucumber slices 

note: Your're cooking time can depend on the thickness of your turnips and the size of your dish. This recipe can easily be made into larger or smaller batches so you will want to calculate your macros accordingly. + I always recommend calculating your own macros as they can change by brand.

Nutritional Information/Macros (calculated per serving) 
8 servings
Fat - 8.7g
Protein - 8.6g
Carbs -1.9g net carbs
Calories -  162


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